Center for Education Reform

Guerrilla marketing and advocacy open doors for Washington, D.C. students.




The Center for Education Reform needed to secure 3,000 signatures backing charter school operations and school choice in Washington, D.C.


Montage planned and executed a guerrilla-style public advocacy campaign to garner strong support for school choice. We leveraged the insight that many existing buildings in D.C. capable of hosting schools were vacant with no plans for future use.

The campaign, aptly named Open the Door for Opportunity, featured brightly colored, freestanding, functioning doors placed at strategic locations around the District. Montage designed and vinyl-wrapped the doors, each displaying a series of compelling facts and statistics about local charter schools.

Open the Door for Opportunity debuted at a mid-summer Washington Nationals baseball game and continued for six subsequent weeks. Montage oversaw the routing strategy throughout the campaign, placing the doors at high-foot traffic locations for target audiences: families, millennials, and minority and low-income communities.

The locations were staffed by Montage-recruited brand ambassadors and canvassers who provided daily reports to communicate petition signature count, visitor and location feedback, photos, and other information to optimize the remainder of the campaign.


  • Montage exceeded the Center for Education Reform’s goal of 3,000 signatures.
  • Increased visibility and evolved perceptions on school choice among D.C. citizens.
  • Enabled the nonprofit to elevate its message to the D.C. City Council, Congress, and the U.S. Department of Education.

Results that resonate